Yowler and Draggin

“Yowler and Draggin” is a relatively short comic (but when you are working on a full-color comic ‘short’ can still take quite some time, ha). It is set in the Dreaming Esmeralda universe, three years before the start of the first major installment of the series. It is narrated by my muse Mask Face, recalling a day full of eventful encounters, including some naughty youngsters and a savage beast known as a Yowler, who is stalking the moors not far away.

~The best place to read Yowler and Draggin is here, in my deviantArt gallery.~

Simply start with page 1 and flip through the pages using the links in the descriptions below. :3

[I’m devising a method of having a flip-throughable gallery of comic pages here. Please standby…]