Fun Extras

Some stuff I’m not sure where to categorize:


Say hallo to my muse


pairetorian button The Pairetorian Language: The tongue spoken by the residents of planet Pairetoria, one of the two main settings in the Torian Tri-Point book series (which includes Harahpin and The Pantorians). I’m always adding to this language as I slowly figure it out. 😛

untorian buttonThe Untorian Language: The tongue spoken by the residents of the OTHER main planet in the Torian Tri-Point. Same as Pairetorian, this one’s always getting built upon. Tolkien would be proud of me. xD

One Response to Fun Extras

  1. UnicornCrazy says:

    On the pictures thing, it’s possible to both embed galleries in a page and add pictures while editing posts. 😉

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