That’s right… I can’t believe it… I’m now an OFFICIAL Storyteller. OFFICIAL. :O My book Harahpin, in all its great big grown-up flown-the-nest glory, is NOW ON SALE. :D:D:D:D Go to its page under ‘Books’ in the top bar… there’s a link to the e-store there! At the moment you can only get it there, but soon it’ll be on Amazon too! 8D I’m so… I can’t even… *o*
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SQUEEEEE! It’s DONE! It’s OUT THERE! It’s AVAILABLE TO THE PULBIC, and tht means AVAILABLE TO INNY, and that means SQUUUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
IT IS TOTALLY AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AND TO INNY!!! Have you been able to get one yet? Somehow I don’t think I’ll feel QUITE complete unless brainsister Inny has one. xD (You MUST be excited, the way you’re abusing emoticons. :P)
NO, I haven’t! I’ve just been SO BUSY… A lot is piling up right now. But FEAR YE NOT! I WILL get my hands on a copy of Harahpin, somehow, some way. And I WILL find the time to read it.
I sure hope so. xD
I am sooo Happy for both you and me! 🙂 I will try and order it if I can 😀 I told you would be famous someday! I cannot wait and see what you have in store for the Future Oh’ Buddy 😉
Miss Febcupcake? -Ahemhem- You know the thing you’re making for Sekoiya and -hemhem- the one you made for -hemhem- Echey? Maybe -hemhem- you could -hem- make one -ahem- for me too? -AAAhemhemhem!-
Thanks, but I’m not ‘famous’… not YET anyway. xD Believe me, I can’t wait to see what I have in store either. 😀
*hyper spazz out*
I’M HYPER TOO! 😀 😀 😀
Well done, Sekoiya! Maybe you could ship one or two to the National Bookstores in the Philippines? Heh. Anyway, YAY! I heard it’s gory. As young as I am, I like stories like that. I can’t wait ’til I can get one. Though it’ll probably be a ridiculously long time before I can get my hands on one.
The above post definitely did not translate my true feelings into it. I was feeling so “YAY”, I wanted to scream! Wait, that’s an understatement. I wanted to shout my lungs out, scream until my voice is hoarse, and quietly sit down, trying to force this down my throat. Excuse me for a second. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! There, I’m done.
I can’t control any bookstores, THEY have to decide to sell my book or not. ^^; They’d have to buy a bunch of copies from me and then re-sell them at their store. It’s not up to me, I’m afraid… sorry about that! But yes, it’s definitely gory at times… if you can handle that, it’s good! xD
(PS… how did you get a custom avatar? My own website, and I don’t even know how to do that… xD)
…I’ll have to go and /make/ them buy several dozen copies. }:D Gory stories interest me, even though I have a phobia about blood and insides outside of a person’s body. -Shudder- And asdfdjlgjrltje. I must have that book! About the avatar thinghiggy, you have to join a website called “Gravatar.”
Whoohoo 🙂 I’m very happy for you, dear!
HI FLOWER! I’m so glad to see you here! 😀